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Old 04-13-2007, 09:43 AM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Post Google domainates market share at 64%

"Internet giant Google continues to dominate in the search engine market in the United States. The latest reports would disappoint Microsoft massively considering the launch of Vista has not shown any improvement in the market share of their Live search engine."

I have a new computer at work and the search bar in IE7 is Google, not including the google toolbar I have installed. I wonder where the 'live' search is....hmm..

"Internet metrics firm Hitwise claims that Google powered just around 64% of U.S. searches. This is up from 58% in March 2006.

In comparison Yahoo, Microsoft, and Ask.com had a disappointing market share of 22%, 9%, and 3% in the US market. Incidentally, all of these players have lost the market share compared to the results from last year."

Now if only google can clean out the comment spam indexings, redirecting pages, and black hat shit that's clogging up the engine we can spread that market share around to those sites indexed a bit more evenely and relevantly.

Hardcore, Blowjobs, Gay, Wives, Lesbians, Gangbang, Movies, Tranny, Interracial, Teen....
16 Sites, $35 PPS/ 60% Revshare :: Capitalize on Experience
Cyndee - Director of Marketing & SEO
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