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Old 04-18-2007, 02:08 PM   #1
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Default Chameleon Submitter database update + TIPS for adult webmasters

Hello Everyone!

Today April-18-2007, the database of TGP/MGP sites on the server has been updated.

Many sites have been fixed - non-working TGP/MGP sites are being cleared out of the database in the mean time as well as sites that are only listing FHG or those not sending any traffic.

New sites have been added from those being sent to us via Suggest form or they are simply found in-house by crew of Chameleon Submitter Team.

You can update your database by selecting Update from the Database Menu (Database > Update).

Database of sites in Chameleon Submitter ( http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/as.php ) is being updated every business day, therefore we recommend you to run the update at your end daily to take advantage.


Today’s tip will be targeted to space saving at your hard disc. After your Database update is done, check out the Delete Unused Recips button in the upper menu of Chameleon Submitter (Database > Delete Unused Recips). Click this button and the feature will delete all unused graphic recips (the old ones or those that does not belong to any of the actual TGP/MGP site in the database).

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
---------- Michael Cross ---------
Affiliate Development Coordinator
KinkyDollars.com; ICQ # 413-115-769

New Public Humiliation site PublicDisgrace.com launches October 1st!
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