Originally Posted by TheLegacy
41,611 people killed in auto accidents per year roughly - lets ban cars
20,000 people die from the flu - lets ban social activities
okay, look - I am not a gun owner - but blaming guns or bush etc. is not going to stop violence or slow it down. as said, if someone wants to kill 33 people they will find a way to do it without a gun. building a bomb is actually easier to make, just find me an air condition with freon in it and I will make a nerve gas bomb that will kill more than 33.
the problem was with this guy, not that he had access to a gun.
I think most people know that I am anti-firearm. I generally don't think that ordinary citizens should own them without exceptional reasons. I DO NOT agree with the 2nd Amendment "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."
What this has done over the evolution of the United States is create a "gun society" where "the people" feel it is their right and sometimes they actually think it is their
duty to own and carry a firearm. This is social conditioning that I do not buy into. Since I am not American, I don't have to buy into it and I can look at the situation from the outside.
Humorous as it may be, this little video holds a lot of truth.
So where BLAME is concerned, the blame goes to the social conditioning of a nation of people whose 2nd Amendment says they should carry weapons to protect them from anything that frightens them.