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Old 04-23-2007, 07:05 PM   #5
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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I think the #1 item of my things I've done to 'da boss' had to be when I was working retail, so it just does not translate well to an actual office setting.

Way... way... way back when I was the gopher with two bosses. One boss was totally cool and the other was the total jerk. We had a soda machine for the customers and we all used the key to open it and get free ones for ourselves (and the cute women needing help with bathing and wet suits). Working in a SCUBA shop had it's advantages. All three of us drank the same type of soda, so we had to mark our cans to know whose was whose.

The other critical item to know is that we had an antique cash register - the old style with the big keys that had to be hit with your knuckle to get them to register and when the 'sale' key was mashed, the drawer flew out with an amazing force.

One day when Jerk Boss was being really bad, I decided to exact some revenge. He was in the middle of a really big sale with a very cute woman. Translated... he wasn't noticing anything going on around him. On sales like that, he always jogged up to the register, pounded on the keys and slammed his fist on the 'sale' key - all while still talking with the customer.

A little while before he was wrapping up, I got a new soda and drank about 1/4 of it - then carefully put Jerk Boss's mark on the can. I then set it carefully in front of the cash register drawer. When he jogged up for his big sale, I was a safe distance away, doing my chores, but made sure I had a perfect view of him.

He did exactly as expected and slammed down on the 'sale' key. The can did about a two and a half gainer in the air before hitting him in the chest - soda was EVERYWHERE! LOL Of course, he immediately asked who the soda can belonged to, but then got very quiet when he saw 'his' mark on the can.

It was made all the more perfect when I found out that the reason he was wearing a suit that day was that he had a hot date right after work.

moral of the story? don't piss off the peons...

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