Originally posted by Mister X
I just might have to check out Doom Legacy. The tiny little screen you have to play it in to make it look decent is what really makes me disappointed with Doom now. I think the original game isn't even 640x480.
Do you mean tiny as in resolution? Because it plays full screen, so if its tiny, buy a bigger monitor! ha ha 
The original game ran in ModeX which was 320x200 with 3 screens to animate on that enabled it to play at 35 fps max (it should have done 70 if they knew what they were doing), but most computers couldnt render that fast, anyway. The low-res mode was 160x200. That's what i always played it in, since frame rate was more important in arcade games than detail. Doom legacy uses its own renderer to render the exact doom levels in full 3d - so the resolution is whatever your monitor and graphics card can handle.
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