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Old 05-02-2007, 04:12 PM   #16
Quagmire should edit this
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Originally Posted by TheLegacy View Post
thats why ai is planning on having a judge veto power set up for next year. what they didnt expect was that america would treat it as a joke and start voting for the worse just to screw up the results and simon. hey, its human nature to get a good laugh out of someone elses misery, and in this case.. Simon
Dunno how I missed this response the first time, but better late than never.

The veto power totally ruins the whole point of voting. They're pretty much saying "you get to vote, but if we don't agree with you, we're going to overrule you anyway".

I am not a fan of the show, and have never watched anything but the horrible auditions for a laugh. I personally see more value in it being turned in to a joke and the tables being turned on Simon. Watching the guy who shit on everyone get some back very likely made a lot of viewers happy.
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