05-02-2007, 09:52 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
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Take 1 - 10mg tablet of Zinc every day. It will help the bruise heal faster. Trust me. It works. I've had bruises practically since the day I was born. When I get a really bad one, I take Zinc, (1 pill / day for a week) and it helps to heal them. You'll notice the bruise lightening and/or disappearing quickly,(depending on how deep the bruise is), by 2-3 days.
When I was younger, I really didn't care so much. Now that I'm older, I'm more self conscious of them. A few years ago, I even had some woman approach me in a grocery store trying to tell me there is a womans shelter in the area for abused women. I explained to her that I'm not abused. She refused to believe me and instead said, "That is okay dear. We all lie about it in the beginning.". After that episode, I've been self conscious of them.
*Do not take more than 1 - 10mg tablet per day. Too much Zinc is not good for the body. *
Applying heat to the bruise helps as well. The heat will cause blood to flow to the area. The fresh blood will remove the dry blood under the skin.
I hope you have a good time at the beach! I'll be waiting to hear all about it when you return! 