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Thread: Do You Geek?
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Old 05-09-2007, 01:16 PM   #1
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Default Do You Geek?

I've asked this on a couple other boards, but I know the Xnationites (I dubbed that term, but not sure if it's right, hehe) are a bit different group of guys (in the good way)

I'm a hardcore movie geek.
My friends often ask me about movies because they know I often have the answers. They ask for recomendations all the time. It can be a good thing and a bad thing...good for the ego, bad when they think I've seen EVERY movie ever made.

I've written a lot of online movie reviews (even ghost written reviews for major movie websites) and contribute a lot to imdb.com.

So, what type of geek are you? What do you totally geek out on?

I know EvilChris is crazy for golf and really, I think he's seen as many movies as I have lately, hehe...
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