ICQ should be used sparingly. Some sponsors already abuse the email system, I'd hate to see how they would treat ICQ and/or MSN.
I like the idea of what XXXPhoto posted about letting affiliates choose how they wish to be contacted. Even take it a step further and note who wants to be contacted for what and which method they prefer.
I don't mind the occasional ICQ from a sponsor that I may not be heavily promoting, touching base and letting me know someone at the company is still alive. It is appreciated. However, I don't want to be bombarded with ICQ's from sponsors, especially bulk generated messages.
If it is a sponsor I'm not active with or never joined contacting me on ICQ, that is fine. Introduce yourself. Keep it short and to the point. I'll talk with them and see what is up and go from there. Many companies act professional and respect peoples time. That is very much appreciated.
What I don't like on ICQ are the reps who will send a msg., don't introduce themselves, and then make a pest of themselves because you didn't acknowledge them in the first 2 minutes.