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Thread: Do You Geek?
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Old 05-15-2007, 03:06 PM   #18
SykkBoy should edit this
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
True I have become a bit of a golf geek in recent years. I don't know why, but about 4 years ago I decided to truly take the game up in a serious way and it's been very rewarding. My game continues to improve and I surprise myself quite often after adding up my final scores.

I'm not as big a movie fan as Sykk (I'm sure not many are), and if I ever have any questions regarding the Asian slasher genre, I know who to ask.

I'm a big fan of comedy over all else I think. I laugh at a lot of the stuff that many people don't get, or even come close to getting. In your face obscene filth ridden comedy is good, but it's the sarcastic parodies that I like the most. I like most everything in comedy unless it tries too hard to be funny.
My movie tastes run across all genres, but horror and comedy are my favorite. I can watch an artsy fartsy movie like Gummo and then toss Dumb and Dumber into the DVD player and not even skip a beat. I own stupid comedies on DVD like Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector and have it sitting on the shelf right next to my Indiana Jones boxset...hehe
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