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Old 05-16-2007, 03:47 PM   #2
Evil Chris
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Hey painful... welcome to XNations.

I looked at your site and you're definitely on the right track. Now you need what we all need, and that's more traffic which will equate to sales. There are many many choices you can make to build traffic (or outright buy it) and drive it to the front door of your site.

I see that you're eventually going to be taking on webmasters (affiliates). Since you're billing with CCBill, I suggest you take on their internal affiliate system for now. Many webmasters actually prefer this system. Hopefully you'll grow to a size eventually where you might want to use an external stats backend, but lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

If it's TGPs you're interested in to drive traffic to your paysite, there are a lot of choices there. Personally I have used software from jmbsoft.com for many years, but I know there are a lot of others out there. Look around, and find out what suits you.

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