Originally Posted by Casa Nova
People who constantly complain about there life yet do nothing to try and make it better. If you get off your lazy fucking ass and try to make something out of youself then maybe your life wouldnt be so "shitty".
I have known so many people like this and I hate it too!
-People who bring their kid to the movies or to a restaurant, then don't take them out into the hall when they start having a shit fit. Or let them make a huge mess at the table and not try to clean up after them at all...
-Men that constantly make sexest remarks about women because they think it's funny.
-Women that complain that all their man wants to do is have sex...Well, your man thinks your hot! Lol That's not a bad thing... Maybe if you suprised him with a little booty he wouldn't be begging you for it everynight. Plus, you should WANT to have sex with him as much as possible. This is why he's your man!
-People who can't do their jobs currectly and completely. It drives me nuts when I end up sitting in a Del Taco drive thru for 20 min, just because you've got some dumbass running the window!
-How people drive like shit in the rain! (This happens a lot in Cali)
-The fact that I can NEVER find a pair of jeans that fit me right! They're always too long.
Wow, I guess I'm more angry then I thought. And I know there's more too! Lol