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Old 05-17-2007, 03:55 PM   #1
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Talking MAX CASH PROMO - $50 sign ups on Gay sites !

To celebrate the launch of our new gay site Males Online, Max Cash is offering $50 signups on next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for all signups on either of our two gay sites - Absolutely Male and Males Online.

Males Online is a brand new gay hardcore video site:

Absolutely Male is one of the most established gay sites on the adult internet and still converts gay traffic like mad:

Just like all Max Cash sites, these are part of our FREE lifetime membership program. We normally pay out $35 per FREE lifetime signup but for next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we are paying $50 for signups to the gay sites!

The $50 signups are good for both new and established Max Cash Affiliates BUT this is an INVITE ONLY promo. So, if you want to make $50 signups all day on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of May you MUST contact me either on email at sarah@maxcash.com or on icq at 232834291 and let me know your Max Cash account name. Once I have that I will set you up to get the $50 signups for Males Online and Absolutely Male !

If you don't already have a Max Cash account just signup and then hit me up with your account name!

$35 per FREE and PAID Trial Memberships at MaxCash.com

If you need any help or have any questions contact me at sarah@maxcash.com or on icq at 232834291
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