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Old 12-08-2002, 09:19 PM   #7
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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That sounds like a crappy deal to me. I thought it was like a search box on your site type of deal. But they actually have to go to the site and click on links? In other words you're sending them as many as 1000 surfers which they send out as targeted clicks to somebody. For that you get back 200 targeted surfers. You might send more than 1000 or you might send quite a few less. If a surfer actually does click an average of 10 links on a page then it's even worse when you get your return traffic. Cuz if they're checking out that many only one site actually has a surfer do more than take a quick look and leave. So for an undetermined amount of surfers that you send them you might get 200 people who aactually bother to check out your site or you might get 180 that take a quick glance and leave and only 20 that check it out. I don't know. Sounds fishy to me. I think you'd probably do just as well using those surfers in a traffic trade with a good tgp. You get back targeted surfers that way to because obviously they're interested in checking out what you have.
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