Catching up since Webmaster Access I found some really bad stuff had gone on the boards and spread like wildfire. I have to ask, can anything ever really be resolved or made better by dragging shit out on message boards? There is nothing worse than that creepy feeling you get when someone airs their own or others dirty laundry and lays personal details out on display for others to judge. And 9 times out of 10 it ends up backfiring on the poster.
This kind of stuff makes me
Not to sound

, sure we use these communities to share, learn, and get to know. But there's a point where somethings are just better left unsaid...
What's the worst message board meltdown or blowout you can remember?
Ever been any good battles

here on xnations? This place, while deviant, has always had a friendly atmosphere in my eyes. It's easy to see, we are all in the same boat.