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Old 12-09-2002, 01:16 AM   #9
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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This might clear things up a little:

How it works...
Adultindex Network is a advanced ad management system that give you access to add your own links to our search results and category pages.

From your website(s) you link to Adultindex with a referral code using our text or buttons. When your users visit our page they display your banner advert (468x60) at the top right. When your trades click on links within our database it generates points for your account. Once you reach 1000 points you can place a text link to a sponsor or link of your choice.

This system is suited for those that want target traffic to a specific sponsor, link or paysite.
There's 2 very good points here. First you get a banner ad on the page the surfer goes to, no ad credits needed. Use whatever banner you want and send traffic from it wherever you want. Second you can use your credits to target whatever the hell you want. Send it to a sponsor with you id embedded or have it got to yahoo. I've got a beta account so I'll give it a shot and then I'll be putting this baby up on my tgp after I move servers.
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