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Old 05-24-2007, 10:32 AM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Default Memorial Day weekend plans?

Trying to figure out what we should do this weekend. All I can think of so far has to do with exploring Philadelphia, the great city I recently moved so close to. Lots of history there, I think it may be a good theme for this weekend...

Some options...

King Tut Exhibit - The Franklin Institute

Independence Hall and Tour of Historical Landmarks in Philly including National Constitution Center, Liberty Bell Center, Independence Hall. Walking & trolley tours.

Philadelphia Museum of Art
Special Pieces – Sunflowers by Van Gogh, 2 Dali’s, Picasso’s Three Musicians etc

Philadelphia Zoo - Americas First Zoo

Jam on the River presented by Captain Morgan with Cypress Hill, the Wailers, and more http://www.electricfactory.com/jam_on_the_river.htm at Penns Landing

I also want to see Pirates of the Carribbean this weekend which opens today.

I'm also going lawnmower shopping and doing some house work. Saturday I have some work to do but other than that, I'm looking forward to the long weekend.

What will you be up to?

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