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Old 05-24-2007, 02:36 PM   #1
MovieQuickieGuy should edit this
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Cool Newbie.. Putting it all in one nice thread..

Hey everyone!!! Okay.. I could spend months going through every adult forum trying to figure out the best place to start.. I'd done some research and I wanted to throw this out to everyone..

I just launched my VOD site, MovieQuickie.com... Obviously, traffic is king.. So I need to get some serious traffic because I'm using such a low price point (which so far has been converting fairly well from direct traffic).

I've been advised from sources to go the TGP, MGP route.. So if this is the case, is there a basic order to do things? Here is what I have so far:

1. Generate TGPs from Videos on my site.. Host the galleries.. Direct the customer to the site after 2/3 layers.. Right?

2. Sign up for posting the galleries on websites such as thehun.net

Am I missing something? This is a bit of a different model than what everyone else is doing, I'm guessing, because i'm a VOD site.

So I'm asking you one of two things:

1. What would you recommend that I do for TGP's that I would handle myself? and

2. For my affiliate program, what would you recommend that I do to get people on board? What would entice people to use me as opposed to whats out there? I'm using Paycom's new MPA3 system for all of my affiliate tracking and payouts and I heard it adds confidence for affiliates because they don't know me. Do I need to create a ton of TGP galleries that affiliates can then use for their sites?

Your help is much appreciated..

Thanks a bunch!

MovieQuickie.com.... Not your Grand Daddy's VOD!! :-)

25% payout... 5% webmaster referral...
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