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Old 05-29-2007, 05:17 PM   #15
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Bah.. I was WAYYYYYY more reckless than any of those girls when it came to partying and driving when I was their age. I'd be completely FUBAR'd and not think twice about driving. I just happened to be a better drunk driver (j/k) and, more importantly, a lot more lucky than they are in that regard. :>)) When you are that age you like to take risks and have fun. Some get through it much better than others. These girls just happen to be famous so their faces get plastered all voer the tv, internet, newspapers, etc. They are no different than thousands of other kids their age across america each and every year other than they are famous and get pub.

Nowadays I make no bones about how lucky I was back then and if I ha more than a drink or two I don't drive.
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