Don't worry about stop smoking forever, that's way too stressful. Just don't smoke today. Take it day by day. My mom has smoked since she was 12, and has had many issues quitting because they stable her. Since about 4 years I have been bugging her to quit, and now I realise that they actual do help her if she can't take the pressure by herself.
FYI tobacco actually does help some people with stress because it makes vessels in the brain thinner which limits everything. This keeps too many thoughts from going through the brain at one time so you deal with one at a time. This helps prevent her from having mental breakdowns.
Don't worry about 'cheating' either. If you really really need one then try having one puff and it might be all you need. If you are thinking you are depriving yourself of something most of the time you want it more. It's more important for you and hubby if you are calm then if you had a puff.
As far as drinking, I dunno... drink gingerale or water or something. I do that when I reach my limit.
To get away from your desk... You got a water cooler in the office? You can make sure it's far enough away that you have to get up and get a drink... it's a good reason to get up. That's what I do. Not sure if it will help or not.
And if you ever need something to distract your lips or hands gimme a call