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Old 05-31-2007, 03:42 PM   #22
XXXPhoto should edit this
The Bad Man Touched Me
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Will wade in on this one...

We are not in the 'art' phase of man, we are in the 'commercial' phase. Anything that makes it to the mass media is there to market something. What makes it to the 'news' isn't the most important story but rather what will pander to the most eyeballs. Fluff bait to get the morons watching, make them feel good about their otherwise crappy mundane lives and gobbling up whatever monkey see monkey do agenda a particular communication medium wants them to eat that day...

We've got drunken twats with eating disorders for our little girls and roid popping I'm a bad assed superstar athletes for the boys... Toss in a dash of musicians with either chemical or artillery fetishes and finally shift the blame to seeing some tits and ass on the internet. And lets not forget the bend you over and fuck you dry never ending political daisy chain for mom and dad.

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