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Old 12-09-2002, 01:05 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Question First Concert / Best Concert

I love music, and I used to go to a heck of a lot of concerts.
A short time ago, Funbrunette and I went to see King Crimson. I had seen them before, and they put on a great show, but it was the first time FunB had seen them, and she was impressed by their unique style of music.

What's the first concert you ever went to? What was the best one?

For me, the first concert I ever went to was The Tubes, in 1982. They were (and I believe still are) a ver theatrical band. They changed their clothes (costumes) for each and every song they performed.

I think the best show I ever saw was Beck, during his Odelay tour. I was on the floor with my hands attached to the stage barrier like a vice-grip. I was only a few feet from Beck the whole show.

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