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Old 06-05-2007, 01:14 PM   #9
Relentless should edit this
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In my teens sure....

Eventually you grow up and understand that physically hurting someone doesn't solve the problem in most cases.

As examples:

If your girlfriend is luring guys to hit on her in a club it isn't the guys that are the problem.... you need a new girlfriend.

If your friend likes to get drunk and start shit with people, you aren't being a good friend by having his back all the time, you are being a good friend when you tell him to drink less and be a dick less often...

If someone calls you a name, the nastier it is the more enjoyable a witty response to it can be. Hitting someone for ragging on you just goes to show you lack the mental acuity to respond with wit.

Don't get me wrong, there are times that whipping someone's ass is the right thing to do, but as you get older you see more and more how often it can be avoided and how well things can be resolved without it. You also find out that beating the hell out of someone is definitely not the most hurtful thing you can do to them in most cases.
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