I was attacked repeatedly as a young child with no Father and no older brothers.
After 28 years of Boxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, and Ninjitsu I learned how to avoid fights, how to defend myself without hurting someone, or minimise it if they are out of control.
I have been stabbed, shot at, hit from behind with baseball bats, iron bars etc.
Bow down to no one, and allow no one to bow down to you.
Don't be a rock ... be like water. Like Bruce Lee said; "You put water into a cup, it become the cup. You put water into a glass, it becomes the glass. Water can flow or it can crash, be like water my friend. "
Look for the best in people and life and you will find it., also be prepared for anything.
Had to stop a couple of bikers caving my friend's temple in against the stair railing in a night club. 2 fuckers were holding his temple against the steel rail while the kicker had lined his temple up with his steel cap boots.
I turned the corner of the stairway just to see the kick had left ... and thank the Gods of divine intervention that I was totally focused on stopping that foot ...turned it upside down and clicked it until it was totally leveraged and decided not to break his foot and his leg.... my friend was covered in blood (whiteshirt) from a cut lip which looked much worse .... we didn't know these fuckers or want to know them and I guess after the pain and the embarrassment that they didn't want to know us either.
Avoid violence at all costs yet defend yourself and those who can't with love and respect for all life.
I am grateful for all who have attacked me and ridiculed me because every person who did this has helped strengthen my resolve and help me learn to forgive and understand that if I was not there then they would have eventually found someone else to vent on because it's about them not me.
It's always how we are feeling about ourself.
Love yourself and love life