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Old 06-10-2007, 08:04 AM   #13
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Ok so I saw it...It's pretty much what I had expected. If you're a fan of gore and extreme violence you'll enjoy this movie.

It's hard to talk about the movie without spoiling things, but it starts off with a continuation from the first movie where we see what happens to Jay Hernandez's rightfully paranoid survivor. From there, the movie shows more of the hunting club responsible for the torture and killings in the last movie, but by filling us in on how things work, it further takes away any sense of mystery or tension, as we watch three girls travelling to Slovakia under similar false pretenses as the guys in the last movie.

It's hard for any HOSTEL sequel to be little more than a rehash, dumb tourists come to Slovakia, dumb tourists are tortured to death in fun ways...

Bonne Appetit!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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