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Old 06-10-2007, 12:41 PM   #4
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calif
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born and raised. Love visiting other places, but can't imagine living anyplace else.

example from when I was younger and had time to play as I pleased...

in the spring, we had the rough decisions to make...
1.5 hours or less to the coast to play in the ocean or go to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk amusement park on the ocean...

less than an hour to hit the Sacramento river delta for boating/water skiing - or any one of several lakes...

about 2 hours to go to Lake Tahoe area for the tail end of the years snow skiing...

rough life... LOL now mind you, that was from the San Francisco Bay area, not everybody in CA has those types of choices.

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