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Old 06-12-2007, 09:12 AM   #1
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Default Lindsay Lohan - A Closet Lesbian With A Death Wish?

Lindsay Lohan had a "total death wish", says her former bodyguard.

The troubled actress, who is currently being treated for alcoholism and drug abuse in Malibu's Promises rehab centre, is "out of control" and has reportedly tried to commit suicide.

Lindsay's ex-security guard Lee Weaver, who claims he quit because she was too dangerous to work for, revealed to the News of the World newspaper: "I have looked after some of the wildest stars in Hollywood but have never seen anyone as out of control as Lindsay. She had a total death wish and took more drugs and drank more than anyone I've met."

Weaver also claims Lindsay experimented with lesbian sex, using women for "thrills".

He added: "I lost count of the women she took back to her hotel room from clubs. She used girls for thrills. I even saw her try to grope Mariah Carey's butt and boobs one night.

"At the start she seemed such a fun-loving angelic girl, but under the influence of drugs she was psychotic."



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