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Old 06-13-2007, 10:18 AM   #3
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Mine I have had for almost 30 years - its a legal term used in creating a will that I took on. I use to have an extremely sarcastic destructive wit that would tear people apart - one time I slaughtered this girl in front of everyone to the delight of the student body. Later I was to go to class ahead of time and found her sitting near the back - alone - crying her eyes out. I came up and asked her what was wrong. She told me then and there that she was deeply hurt by my words and even though we joke all the time - I knew how to get to the heart and tear her apart.

Since that time I vowed that my words would be uplifting and encouraging - that when I pass on, what "legacy" will I leave behind? someone who verbally hurt people and ridiculed? My hope was to leave someone better than when I first met them rather than worse off - to leave them any wisdom, assistance or help - to leave them a "legacy" to remember that out of this world, at least one person took time to help them along the path... even if that meant brightening their day by making them laugh. To this day I vowed to my wife that I would make her laugh or smile every day we were together, and I think I have achieved that. For my new born baby - I vowed that every time she looks up at me, she would see me smiling back at her, so that she knew without a doubt that she is loved and wanted. That will be my legacy to them (oh and a house, hot mustang and a great circle of friends in the adult industry)

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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