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Old 12-09-2002, 06:05 PM   #13
Horg should edit this
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Cool pics
I can't wait for the day where I'm going to find a pic of my ex-roommate in a party like that, showing her ass to everyone. (I lived for 2 years in an huge apartment with 3 other people, and during the first year one of them was a girl, and she was a stripper, and she was incredibly dumb). Here are some memorable quotes from her :

I tell you, 70% of homosexual men have never tried sodomy ! Heck I do it more often than an homosexual....*realizing what she just said was highly inappropriate at the moment*...huh I mean I don't ahaha...

I met a guy in a bar, and I knew right away that there was something between us, just by looking into his eyes. I know he is an angel, and I am an angel too, that's for sure.

Whatever you do, you can do it with class. You can even get ass-fucked with class I tell you !

School is soooo easy, I learn so easily ! *ahahaha*

It's not my fault, I forget everything...

*While speaking on the phone trying to seduce and impress some guy* I am currently studying in Chemistry and Biology and going to University as soon as I get my CEGEP diploma *At that time she had been off school for at least one year, working as a kind of escort/stripper/slut*.
Le Horg
"Real men don't wank!"
TinyMeat Productions
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