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Old 06-15-2007, 03:48 PM   #21
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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Originally Posted by Quagmire View Post
I meant in my observation about money & fame making her more attractive than she actually is. There are a lot of the paparazzi shots out there of many celebs without their makeup on and most of them are average, at best. I think a lot of the hooting and hollering about many celebs is purely because people are starstruck and only seeing the famous person with all the makeup on.

Look at that recent bikini shot of Britney for example. She's got average mom "i fired out two kids" cottage cheese legs, but you won't see that stuff if she posed in Stuff, FHM or Maxim. Its all an illusion.
I think you're totally on track with that - the money and fame are what make them attractive to a lot of people. The illusion is what they are selling to the public - in a lot of ways, it's not much different than what most of us do in selling an adult site. We're selling a sexy illusion for people to think about and fork out some cash.

They basically are selling the sexy illusion of their public persona so people will fork over their cash the next time their next production is released.

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