I cant really say anything about the show - but I can comment on it overall.
conventions today seem to be geared to help their pockets and go for sizzle rather than the meat. Meaning - networking.
the success of a show isnt on whether you drank more, or got to touch more boobies etc. its 3 weeks later when you are counting sales does a show then become worthwhile. everyone is hyped about vegas - but few want to admit it that the show itself has been dying the past few years from being a huge source of leads - to non profitable.
everyone started leaning towards the smaller shows and guess what? phoenix became number one for its networking chances - and now florida internext for the same reason. we are all in one place - and a smaller venue means more opporunities to ask, "who you with? and what do you do?"
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato