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Old 06-20-2007, 11:39 AM   #1
moreniche should edit this
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Arrow Make $160 per Sale of Proactol™ from MoreNiche™

If you are not promoting Proactol™, then you do not like earning money!!!

Originally Posted by tycoon;
Hi Guys,
The total conversion is 1/23 for Proactol™.
With potential conversions like this and up to $160 per sale, can you afford not to promote Proactol™?

Remember, Proactol™ is a highly effective weight loss solution, clinically proven to:
  • Help Reduce Excess Body Weight
  • Bind Up To 28% of Your Fat Intake
  • Helps Reduce Food Cravings
  • Helps Reduce Cholesterol
These are exceptionally strong proven claims to be able to make - and make with confidence. Proactol™ truly delivers.

Recent changes to Proactol.com have resulted in:
  • Improved Conversions - improvements to the site now mean the value of Proactols complete weight loss solution is highlighted and the new tour leads to the sale very effectively.
  • A Higher Average order value of over $200 – that’s around $70 for you per sale on average - and anything up to $160

How can you start to profit from Proactol™ straight away?

It's easy! Start by downloading a weight loss template in the MoreNiche™ webmaster area - there are over 30 to choose from.

Download for free here

Use the vast selection Proactol™ resources in the webmaster area:

  • 100's of banner and product images
  • 100's of weight loss articles
  • BMI calculators to add interactivity and authority to your site
OK, that WAS easy! What's next?
  • Update your sites with lots of fresh, unique content.
  • Gain yourself one way links by submitting articles (re-written) from MoreNiche™ content archive and content connections.
  • Highlight the value of the bonuses - free toning belt, membership to www.home-weightloss.com, ebooks, recipes, aerobic videos.
  • Highlight the extra value, and lower cost of going for a long term order. Why not break the cost down per bottle with 8-month order - @ around $58 per pack Proactol™ is much better value than the competitor.
  • Pre-sell it right and you will be bringing in those $160 commissions again and again.
  • For more advice just contact team MN or hit the MoreNiche™ forum.
MoreNiche™ have taken care of as much as possible to make it as easy for you to have a unique site uploaded in as little as a few hours.

Claim your $45 Bonus!

If you are new to MoreNiche™, then you can receive $45 in bonuses for just signing up and getting started. Get up to $175 for the sales you make - and all the support and resources you need to make them.

Want $160 commissions? - Then make it happen today!

ICQ 214-498-740

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