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Old 06-21-2007, 04:25 PM   #1
I.M.Shane should edit this
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Default Will RIAA sue the Bush Twins?

Has any one else heard about the Floriday atty that sent RIAA a letter asking them to sue the Bush twins with "the same vigor in prosecuting this matter and protecting the rights of your rights-holders that it has displayed in enforcing those rights against other alleged violators."
So what prompted this you may well ask? An article published in the Miami Herald stated that for father's “[President] Bush's twin daughters, gave him [as a Father’s Day present] a CD they had made for him to listen to while exercising.”
Now we all know that according to RIAA the creation of mixed CD's is in violation of copyright law. Others have been sued for similar infractions. Now what I'm wondering is considering all the bad press lately over the way celebrities have been handled when caught breaking the law. Just recently we heard about Paris Hilton's pet sheriff. Even after the judge sent Paris back to jail she was still getting preferential treatment from the sheriff.
So... what do you think? Will the RIAA lay down and let the Bush twins violate their precious copyrights or will they take the girls to court? Or does it even matter?

Read the Article:
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