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Old 06-22-2007, 12:22 AM   #5
painful should edit this
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Originally Posted by Panky View Post
I don't purchase content on a regular basis. When I do purchase content, I don't always purchase from the same company. I look around to see who has what and who is offering the best deal. I purchase content 2-3 times a year. I know what I'm looking for, how much I will need, and roughly how much it will cost. Then I go content shopping.

Sorry painful... Can't help you out with DW. Wish I could. You seriously need to get away from using FP.
I know, FP sucks. I may have to go out and splurge for something good. Being a new site owner and having no business (it's hard to get listed), and being in the service, it's hard for me to get what I need when I need it.

I have just finished another gallery I am posting around, hopefully I can get it listed. Check it out and let me know if it's shit or not. Please, all I ask is to be honest. I kill people for a living and my skin is pretty tough.
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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