Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Those look great Greg, but I love any women with huge boobs!  How's the site coming along?
Thanks Funbrunette! I'll post the color versions soon. I'm having fun with Photoshop after having taken a new series ouf Photoshop courses.
The site is always doing great. I needed handle some content thieves and a gang of jealous webmasters at a certain unnamed other webmaster forum but found out they were attacking because their interest in toon sites found me to be a competition. Sucks because we could have worked together but them kinda gangsters I don't need.
I have a ton of new toons and comics coming out so expansion is rocking. Not only that but some celebrity power as well. Comics reach wide!
I have some catching up to do so I'll be here more often bouncing art off you all to get your opinions.