Originally Posted by Cyndalie
When I was little my pediatrician gave my mom a home remedy to help with bad cough and cold symptoms. It was a little bit of warm tea, honey, lemon, and whiskey. I'd drink a cup full and go right to sleep, without the coughing waking me up. Looking back, no wonder why.
My other favorite is having an Aloe plant around, which is great for sunburns, skin irritations including bug bites and poison ivy, an antibiotic for cuts and scrapes, and even can be used as a hair gel.
Any home remedies you grew up with that you brought into adulthood?
funny you mentioned alone... ive tested a liquid Aloe based product from Herbalife like 2 weeks ago and i got a BIG ALLERGY on my hand, full of red dots and it was itching like crazy... today, after like 14 days, the red dots went away but it still itches a little.... i will never try aloe again, and the funny thing is that they should NOT give you skin irritations of any sort!