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Old 07-01-2007, 02:27 AM   #9
newedge2001 should edit this
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This is a tragic event. I've seen it posted on other boards, and thoughts have varied from "no matter what, I hope he rests in peace," to "I don't care what sort of man he was, what he did makes hims scum of the earth."

Initially, I was shocked to hear this. I havent watched wrestling in a few years, other than a show here and there with freinds. I first saw this on Yahoo, and I's like OMG...Eddie Gurreo had died recently. These are young guys (relatively speaking).

Now, to hear about how it looks like, with steroids, he killed his wife, their 7 yr old, and hung himself...on the one hand, I'm outraged by what he did. At worst, he should have just taken his own life. On the other, in my main job, I have talked with a lot of people, including those who had attempted suicide, and I can't help but feel sympathy for all of them. What was happening that drove a person beyond the point of no return? It's tragic, none the less, and while his career has now been tainted, I wish the best to those that have survived, and that both the families can cope with what happened.

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