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Old 07-01-2007, 01:46 PM   #10
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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My mom, grandparents, and my great aunts always had an Aloe Vera plant in their house. Growing up, my mom always had a plant or two in the house and she also grew one in one of her flower beds. My brother and I were always outside playing in the woods, fields, creeks, riding bike, or playing some sport. We had our share of cuts, bruises, bug bites, bee stings, poison ivy, and all that.

Sage works well to relieve the pain from mouth ulcers. It also helps to heal them quicker. Sage also works to help relieve the pain from mouth sores from braces, retainers, partials, and dentures.

Applying Orthodontic wax, (dental wax), or regular candle wax on a broken tooth will keep your tongue or cheeks from getting sore, plus it protects the tooth. The wax also works on rough edges on braces, retainers, or partials with wire clasps.

Colloidal silver. Silver is a natural antibiotic. Colloidal silver can be injested or applied directly to the skin. If you have a cut or a minor burn you can apply colloidal silver. The silver kills the harmful bacteria that causes infection.

Peppermint helps to ease belly aches. If you have a chest cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, or asthma, putting peppermint oil on your chest and/or in a vaporizer will help you to breathe a little easier.

Mud helps relieve the pain and swelling from bee stings. Flour also gets rid of the pain and swelling from a wasp sting.

An oatmeal paste works great for poison ivy, chicken pocks, and poison oak. Tea tree oil works too. It relieves the itching and helps heal the skin.

Oil of Clove or even a clove works well to relieve toothaches and teething pain.
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