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Old 07-02-2007, 02:16 PM   #3
Cyndalie is not it.
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Originally Posted by TheLegacy View Post
the webmasters that I talk too have a few things in mind

1) scare over 2257
2) scare over images being copyrighted
3) see free porn sites as a dime a dozen, so are thinking of paysites and realizing nothing is free anymore.

and your right - some see paying for gallery listings as throwing money into an ocean where there are dozens others and your attempting to show yourself as different.

I personally see it as either they stay away from porn thinking the market is super saturated or start up a paysite with exclusive content that you cant find anywhere else.

Are the number of privately owned paysites increasing?
Or do newbies hear now that the only way to make money is to have an affiliate program so throw up a paysite and get webmasters to promote it for you and you will make money. Don't bother to try or learn marketing it yourself..etc.

Since your clients are both private paysite owners and corporate, I'm curious on your perspective.

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