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Old 07-03-2007, 05:29 AM   #1
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Default Content, Games, Text Story Packages?

Content, Games, Text Story Packages?

I am a newbie (practically virginal *grin*) so please be kind if I'm in the wrong area for this.

I'm looking to purchase a photo-content-games-text-stories-package for my phone entertainment website, to make a members' area/page where they can view and download photo packets, access text stories to read and download, and play adult online games. I saw a package for about $800 when I was surfing once, but cannot find the same link. I've found another that offers 21 games for $1400, but no stories, etc. If anyone has links to resources selling these types of packages, please send me the links?

Also, I want to set up one page as an adult toy-lingerie--collars-and/or-paddles-etc. store. Does anyone know where I can find a resource that allows a web site (mine) to link to an adult store as an affiliate for a finder's fee or customer fee? I just want to provide plenty of areas for my customers to keep them at my site and coming to my site.

Contact me at mistressrana_2000@yahoo.com with the links. Your help is most appreciated.

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