Originally Posted by Lena_DCB
Man this does not give me hope for trying to find affialiates for my site but I do think I am in a different kind if arena.
please dont misunderstand me. this is a slow process and NOT signal of a breakdown. there will always be free sites and those making money from them.. the world and the net is a big big place. what I am noticing is that the days of drinking a webmaster under the table or being 'pimp' on a webmaster board does not give you immediate sign ups under you.
to be smart and get large numbers of webmasters BE a webmaster to them. show them how to make it rich, sustain and help build them up - give them customer service and adult industry wisdom that they become dependant on you and trust you. That is what cyndalie does and she is one of the best out there. Webmasters sign up with her not only because they trust her and her program with 12clicks is hot - but she dedicates herself to training them on being successful - not show off on boards and be their drinking buddy. Those sales reps are gone within an average 3 months to a year.