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Old 07-06-2007, 10:06 AM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Morons behind the wheel!

There are a lot of things that other drivers on the road do to piss me off, but the one thing that stands out above all else is how most drivers make their turns. Be it left turns or right turns, they all do the same lazy thing.

Here's what I mean. If there are two lanes waiting to turn, and you're in the right lane, once that light turns green you are supposed to turn from the right lane INTO the right lane. If you were waiting in the left, you turn into the left.

What most people seem to do is go from that right lane to as far across the boulevard as they can go into that far left inside lane. No matter who else is turning with them. So if you were the sad individual turning into that left lane, you would be side-swiped. The worst part of all of this is that it is such a common thing, that I doubt there is a driver out there who even thinks about this, let alone thinks that he/she has done anything wrong.

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