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Old 07-06-2007, 11:51 AM   #5
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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I learned to drive in Quebec and at least they know what to expect as defensive drivers (the worst) and they follow European lane courtesy, fast lanes, left lanes etc.

The worst in the fucking Country is Vancouver, that is the only city I lived in where I almost got out of my car a couple of times to lump people for stupidity. I moved from Vancouer with a new saying on the highway, I call it "Getting Vancouvered".
That means that all 3 or 4 lanes of the highway are a line of cars all going to same speed, the left lane and the far right slow lane all drive in one happy line. You can't pass any of the cars, because they are all going the same speed, 80 Km/h!!!

That being said, you are right Chris, there is a real lack of respect on the road these days, no signaling, tail gating to the extreme and since when did the Mini Van become a performance car lol.. crazy dudes driving like manaics in them things.
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