is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by CUM2ME
Q1: How do you define a 'Free Site'? I've looked at some articles and they said that you need a Main Page, 2 Galleries & Ads (with a Warning page? Forgot.) Anywho... How does it work? EXAMPLE: A person goes on milfhunter, tells the guy that he will buy his content, put it on the 'Free Site' and if any member joins from the FREE SITE the person who made the FREE SITE will get a profit? Is that how it works? How much is a profit? 50%? And is 50% from the FIRST sale? Or on Monthlly basis...?
Freesites are basically mini sites that are submitted to link lists. These mini sites are designed to get indexed in the search engines as well as promote your sponsor(s) so you can earn sales. Once you get indexed by the engines, you could make sales for a few months, a year, two years, or more off of a single freesite.
The basic structure of a freesite is;- Page 1: Warning page
This page has warning text, ads to the sponsor, a link to enter your free site, exit link (optional), and recips to other link lists.
Page 2: Main page
This page has links to the sponsor and links to gallery 1 & 2. This is an ads page before your actual gallery pages that contain the content.
Page 3: Gallery 1
This page is the first page of content. There are also links to your sponsor on this page. Some people add a link back to the main page, others don't.
Page 4: Gallery 2
This page is the second page of content. There are also links to your sponsor on this page and link back to main page,(optional).
There are general guidelines to follow with the structure and rules to follow when building a freesite for submitting to link lists. Take the time to learn the different elements of a freesite and how they all work together to sell a surfer. Learn the rules the reviewers follow when considering a site for listing so you won't be rejected for violating a rule.
When building your freesite, you can use content and promo material (buttons, banners, or text) from your sponsor as long as you are advertising that sponsor.
Some people do use purchased content for freesites. With this content, they can advertise whatever sponsor(s) they choose as long as the content matches the site the affiliate is sending the surfer to. If you use purchased content, make sure you know what the license allows the content to be used for.
Freesites are rich with text. The text works for the engines, but should also be written to entice the surfer into clicking links to your sponsor. Talk to the surfer. Inform them. Get inside their heads. Feed the fantasy. Do this, and you will see your clicks to the sponsor rise.
When you promote a sponsor, you will earn a percentage of each sale you send to the sponsor. The two most common payout programs are;- RevShare (Revenue Sharing)
This means that you will earn a percentage, (50, 60, or 60+%), of the sale. You will also be paid each month that that sale stays a member, (rebills).
PPS (Pay per Sign-up)
This means that you will be paid a one time flat fee for each sale that you send to the sponsor.
Some sponsors also offer payment for when a surfer enters their email address for more porn, payments on free trials, or pay per click.
Q2: Are you... SHITTING ME? Like is this what porn became? Some cheap ass websites like that with NO DESIGN, and it sells? Or am I missing something out?
Some of the most basic designs sell big time. A surfers basic desire is to orgasm. Catering to that desire comes in many styles and forms.
There's a delicate balance between finding the right design and teasing the surfer enough where they can't wait to join a site. Whether you build a pretty site, a mediocre site, or a downright ugly site, the basic elements of selling need to be there.
Q3: How do those 'LIVE WEBCAM' things work? You open up a company, if a girls wants to join she gets a free webcam & shit, then when ever the person wants to see her naked, he pays some $ and she gets 50% and you get 50%? How much do they usually charge for a minute or what not?
You can earn money from live cams different ways;- Become an affiliate to a company or companies that supplies live cam feeds. All you need to do is send surfers to the site. The surfer decides what he/she likes and then joins. A sponsor might pay for each join and others will pay based on the amount of time the surfer purchases.
Own your own webcam studio company.
Each cam sponsor has different rates and terms for payout. The rates are pretty competitive, but you have to look around, compare cam sponsors, and see which ones you like and think you can sell.