I met shedevil when I was 40 or 41 after being divorced a few years from my first wife. I sure as hell never wanted a relationship and was very content with single life. I tried every excuse in the book not to get hooked up until it struck me when talking to my dad and he asked, "why her?"- and I said.. "only thing i can think of that we relate is that for the first time in my life, I can tell someone to shut the fuck off and they can do the same to me"
he laughed and said that it was the best indicator of a good relationship is trust and openness. He continued on to say that love is never a feeling but an act of the will. many times you don't 'feel' love, but being dedicated you do it in order to help the other person out. this I learned at 5am when the baby cries and needs a feeding... and my wife is tired. I don't feel love, but I act on love and get up to look after the little one so that she can sleep because she had a rough day.
same is also true of her feelings for other women. if she wants to be with a girl, then I can't deny that part of her and stay away... unless I am asked to join - but if two women are together - they are because they dont want a dick around - so why become one?
trust is the main thing - as is being able to say whats your on mind without holding back (saying it in love of course). people cheat because they find in someone else things they either lack or are afraid to ask or say in the current one they are with.
I'll get off my soapbox now LOL>
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato