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Old 12-10-2002, 11:11 AM   #1
Juge should edit this
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Default A new style of sponsor - Purity Scan

Purity Scan is a new blind per-click sponsor that pays 7 cents per free download of their software, 1 cent per free download for referred affiliates, and 1 cent for their referred affiliates.

This is how it works: You can link up the pages blind, like I do on Juge's Bikini and Thong Page with fake movie links, and this pops up a new window. The window asks for permission for a free download of their software. If they click 'yes' to download the free software, you get paid. It is creating unbelievable revenue...

How is this possible? Because it's a totally new type of sponsor:

The free program is for scanning your system to see if you have porn on your computer (to inform you if you someone else could find out what you've been doing on the internet). Remember that it's free - so you get lots of downloads. The surfer must later pay to get the part of the program that removes the evidence for them. That's where they make their money to pay these rates - people get scared when they find out deleting history and cache didn't work, and this program proves it to them... so they buy the full version that deletes the evidence.

Sign up here:
<table border=0><tr><td><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=914009-0000&PA=303817&HTML=http://www.oliversmoney.com"><img src="" border=0></a></td>
<td><font face=arial size=-1><b>Free content / hosted galleries</b>, 60% partnership: [<a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=914009-0000&PA=303817&HTML=http://www.oliversmoney.com">Oliver's Money</a>]
<b>Gallery Spots</b> for sale, buy or sell traffic, link galleries for traffic: [<a href="http://www.chickentraffic.com/cttsv2/bin/traffic.cgi?:591:2013">GallerySpots.com</a>]
<b>$0.11 per blind click</b> sponsor, $0.11 / Free Download, $0.03 & $0.01 / Referral: [<a href="http://ucbill.com/ucbill/signupaffiliates.php?ref=juge">Purity Scan</a>]</font></td></tr></table>
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