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Old 07-13-2007, 09:49 AM   #2
gunner should edit this
your head in my bag
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There are affiliates who can send 30+ signups/day, but there aren't many, and landing them isn't always easy. Your best bet would be to continue doing your homework in terms of finding people who are big in your niche, and what/where they are currently promoting to and from. In other words, where are the big guys sending their traffic, what TGP/MGPs do they use, who they're linked to, etc.

Also, trying submitting galleries on your own. Find a quality TGP/MGP that will either take a paid placement or give you a high enough ranking you can get lots of hits (tens of thousands). Remember, not only do the surfers see these galleries, but prospective webmasters/affiliates too.

In my opinion, overall exposure and branding backed with quality content and good service, are the keys to gaining good quality long-term affiliates. Don't worry about finding one magic 30+/join a day guy, when 3 guys that can send 10/day are just as good.
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