Originally Posted by CUM2ME
What is a good site to look at models? (Toronto-area wise?)
Ye, making my own contant is defentlly better.
But then again... It costs like... 40x more then a free site.
For free site you pay for... Hosting, Server, Gallery = 30/40$ PER SITE
Here you have to pay for Hosting + Server + COUNTLESS bandwidth + Models, ye... Lol. It defently adds up!
Cant you ask an investor? I know this might sound kinda dumb, but cant you ask an investor to give you money? And then you'll pay them back w/ a certain %?
alright, here is one example thats good
http://www.onemodelplace.com once done that I suggest you place ad's in back end newspapers like NOW in toronto. dont just ask for girls because they dont like you singling out one sex over another.
investors in canada are going to want over 80% of your company and have more control than what your asking for. american's are generally more open with their pockets - plus - canadian investors are not going to just let you walk away from anything worthwhile, they will demand a huge buyout - and remember, they also have money to do this themselves.
best to try and do it as much by yourself as possible, unless - you find someone prepared to put money in and leave you alone to succeed and all you do is give him reports - send him a girl for the night every now and then to keep him happy
hit me up on icq since I am close to you in brantford - I may have a few girls here that you can talk too