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Old 07-16-2007, 09:29 AM   #9
CUM2ME should edit this
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Toronto
Posts: 36
xBucks: 2,109

I was in Toronto then went to Halifax

& through out I've went to MTL, Ottawa, Quebec City The whole N.B

I'll upload some pictures later =] Such a lovelly city!

& now I've added a new thing to my 'To Do List'. "Make love to a french girl", AND SHE CAN'T FAKE THE ACCENT =O, they have probobly the most adorable accent event.

This waitress couldn't say, "Mayo" properlly lool. I was like crying haha! Then she started to act dumb lool

I am like to her

"This look good!"
"yep! Enjoy!"
"Wait, wait - Give it a try!"
"haha nooo I cant"
So after like 2 minutes of debating with her I am telling her, "Just give it one sip of the soup", she is like "Okay fine... where is the spoon?"
"Ahh! That is my question as well" lol =[

But then when I asked for a fork, she is like "We dont have forks in this restaurant" so I had to get up & get by my self from a different waitress lol. I <3 Quebec City
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