I met snuggles when she had just turned 18, I was 25. I met her on the phone, was 1,000 miles away from her, talked to her 9 months on the phone, took a week off from work.. flew up here.. that was 19 years ago, we lived together for 2 years, been married for 17. oh the phone call, I was totally drunk, asked her out next friday, next friday was 9 months later..
Here is a couple of things to live by..
1 You cant make anyone love you, no matter what you do.
2 Who ever your with is going to change over time, no matter what you do they are still going to change. You must be able to except that change in that person.
3 Never fight over money, your just as much at fault for not having it as they are.
4 never go to bed mad at each other
5 always take time for each other.
6 being with someone is bringing two lives together, things cant be all your way, or all there way, but you must meet in the middle.
7 After you have been together so long, unless its important, things dont matter, the only thing that matter is you have each other.
8 If a person is going to cheat, they will cheat, refer to number 1
 May all your hits be clicks and all your clicks be $$$ 